We are pleased to inform you that the simulation data together with the ground truth for the ULTRA-SR Challenge are now available for download from:

There is also a pre-print paper to cite which describes the data generation as below, until a proper journal paper is published:

M Lerendegui, K Riemer, B Wang, C Dunsby, M-X Tang, BUbble Flow Field: a Simulation Framework for Evaluating Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Algorithms, ArXiv, 1 Nov 2022,  

NEW!!!  We are pleased to announce the release of BUFF v1.0.0, our ultrasound simulation framework, now available on GitHub! BUFF v1.0.0 is fully functional, and while we are still in the process of adding extensive documentation, examples, and a detailed wiki to help users navigate the framework, you can start exploring its capabilities now. Thank you for your interest and support. Your feedback would be invaluable as we continue to refine the framework. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or suggestions!

Best wishes,

The ULTRA-SR Organising Committee

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